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tv   CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin  CNN  December 7, 2018 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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president doesn't haves did. you go work to the president, you become a wes. ef frch. >> >>." . good to have both of you guys with me. jennifer, let me start with you on the piece on trump pow you have to always wonder about personal permanent to what we're about to see? >> it could be. i'm always can is a cooperator and they go out it grrnl so if
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what he was protecting is the prz as in. i don't know if it true a snuchlt yet they into it nofrmt and pushed back and said you know he mao aboutsflmt saying o me take wilet me can you this. do you think given what we're hearing, would this cad cross kprp that the president did indeed now po fwmt that it nshl
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i this is. >> >> faceies, the number of mourp spips nufrm of e males, ten phone record, recordings, if ffrm o nomt one of the sfluchbls
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mfrm le dmevgs so mueller of snuchlt and is much more detailed and is much more inut snuchlt snufrmt fake snunkt again, that filing could come down any second now and garrett's right that there was a lot snouchlt oh, my gosh, this memo is going to be the main event, that we're still seeing who he was lying and covering for and the lies to protect whom? what will you be looking for? >> i'm looking for exactly that. they're not a team anymore. he's not cooperating anymore. they're not pro tebing him. in fact, to the contrary. they want the judge to know
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exact sli why this all went bad and they withdrut cooperation. we're not going to see commonweal commonwealth. >> i pi we'll got on. >> we were talking to evan about the report on this obstruction, from neither has actually been in this situation and john keel skpm spfrm owe is thereets bill did dependin we know that don
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mcgann has actually spent a lot of time in timin p so is john k available to cooperate the information that john kelly has already provided, that's potential snrjs you have to give me the prnlt there was a key in the road this keling reporting. it represented a key turn. sfluchlt and handed over
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hundreds number for them to talk to chaff chaff skmufrmt and giuliani kind of ramped up, i think they didn't nufrmt oont i this the fmt are prmt nurnlt i think they have the strategy of pushing fwhrk be frnl which may be part of nfrm member could be any down now until he resigns himself his post. not only are we waiting for the stock to drop on paul manafort,
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woor waiting on former fixer michael cohen. it a joint filing between sdny and the mueller team. we talked about the five big buckets of the mule are investigation, kol lougs, possible obstruction. between that so -- a he went out of his way in court to say that droptd and to dprkt frkt and nuchlt hend ot snuchlt the trump
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pamly puchl nuchlt what has been notably be snurks react nuchlt. snuchlt as for individual number one, who knows who he is except he became jaurchlt zwrurch
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he became jaurchlt allison, what is this all about? >> you have the white house putting out conflicting trade information. larry kudlow sounded kind of an optimistic note on cnbc on talks with china and then you had peter and a hanavarro warning o tariffs. that's what's helping to juice the volatility in the markets we're seeing right now. you see investors not willing to hold on to stocks.
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interesting enough, the day started out flat. the fed may decide to slow down it's interest rate hikes next year or maybe not hike as much as it had initially planned. with that kind of thing as reassuring to investors, but then came all these conflicting headlines about trade. the markets are so fragile to every headline about trade. where are stocks at this moment? ou 30 stocks in the dow are in the red and the do you and nasdaq and s&p 3,500 have wiped out all of their gains for 2018. brooke. >> my goodness. just a couple of weeks ago before the end of the year. ahead, more on our breaking news, both on manafort and cohen. news expected to drop any moment now. cnn has crews on standby. also just in, president trump
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firing back with harsh words against his former secretary of state rex tillerson. this as tillerson breaks he is silence since march. wait until you see this. in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. we're the baker's and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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just in, president trump with a harsh, harsh response to the man he fired at the state department, rex tillerson. take a look at this trump tweet just in -- "mike pompeo is doing a great job. i am very proud of him. his predecessor, rex tillerson,
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didn't have the mental capacity needed. he was dumb as a rock and i couldn't get rid of him fast enough. he was lazy as hell. now it is a whole new ball game. great spirit at state!" yeah. so what sparked this? i want to you listen to this rex tillerson interview and keep in mind tillerson is known to be tight-lipped. he's really hunkered down since he's left state in march, very safe with his word choice. he has not spoken out at all since leaving. >> we did not have a common value system. when the president would say, well, here's what i want to do and here's how i want to do it and i'd have to say to him, mr. president, i understand what you want to do, but you can't do it that way, it violates the law, it violates a treaty. he got really frustrated, and i
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think he grew tired of me being the guy every day that told him you can't do that. he acts on his instincts and in some respects that looks like impulsiveness, but it's not his intent act on impulse. i think he really is trying to act on his instincts. it was challenging for me coming from the disciplined, highly process-oriented exxon mobil corporation to go to work for a man who is pretty undisciplined, doesn't like to read, doesn't read briefing reports, doesn't like to get into the details of things but rather says, look, this is what i believe. >> i've got david axelrod with me. wow. >> yeah, wow.
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you know -- well, first of all, you can understand why the president would be irritated to have a former member of his cabinet speaking out in that way. so in certain ways you could anticipate this. on the other hand, you know, you got to wonder why people accept these jobs, you know, knowing that if things go south, and they almost always do it seems, that, you know, you are at some time or another going to be on the other end of one of these blasts. so -- but the things that tillerson said, though not surprising, are, you know, continue a disturbing portrait of the way the president does his job. that's probably what we should focus on. >> well, let me ask you about that because, you know, again, this is a man, tillerson, who
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hasn't spoken up and out since he left his post at state in march, what do you have make of why he is speaking up now, how he's speaking up now. what's in it for him? >> just to set the record straight i'm sure. you know, he was kind of unceremoniously replaced, and there were questions about how he ran the state department and there are differences between running a corporation and being america's chief diplomat and running the state department, but there's no doubt that the president grew weary of him and he grew weary of the president. the quotes that we saw from him about the president while he was secretary of state, though he never entirely embraced them, made it clear he didn't have a high regard for the president. the president tweeted he shouldn't be wasting his time
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talking to the north koreans. kind of eyeironic in retrospect. i think tillerson chose this q & a format to get some of his side of the story out. >> in texas and a group of potential wealthy rb you know, he wasn't specific but he definitely shed light on trump's leadership style. we've heard bits and pieces of this from sources on how trump basis or reacts or maybe trump often getting frustrated when told his from a cabinet level official, david. >> absolutely. it completely confirms all the reporting that's been done for two years. you hear a lot of unsourced
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quotes from people in the administration that support this. we saw a whole essay on this that remains anonymous at its source. >>right. >> so he's confirming what a lot of people have written and said. but it is jarring coming from him. as far as the setting, you know, those are his people. i mean, when you say wealthy republican donors in texas, we, that's his community. so he probably felt that that was a good place to unburden himself. >> but when you hear him says president just doesn't like to read. imagine working as a commander in chief who is not reading your we've heard they prepare
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briefings with photographs because thand when we would mee the next day it was very clear that he had read his brief, he had thought about his brief and he had a lot of good questions based on what he had read and it gave you confidence as someone who worked for the president that he was on top of things, that he was going to make thoughtful decisions, informed decisions. that's what people should want from a president. but that's not what got donald trump to the white house. what tillerson all of the experts said do it a different way. he egg the problem is the rest of the country is attached to the decisions that he makes. >> let's you and this was his
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advice to the democrats. play the clip. >> don't focus immediately on trump. you you have at the commerce mueller will deal with trump. >> and he's begun to turn over his cards. >> that's right. you don't have to go and lead mueller. you need mueller to lead. you have an entire government that is not on its game protecting the american people. the house should focus there. >> so it sounds like he's saying to the dems focus on governing and let mueller hand al before
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he became chief of staff under president obama, and he was known as a shrewd legislative political strategist don't jump into the deep frm by trying to plow the same ground that mueller is plowing. focus on individual agencies and issues that are important to people in their lives and the rest will take care of itself. i think it's pretty sound advice. >> we'll tune in tomorrow on the o frm on what could be a imagine breaking news drop really, two files into this possible russian conclusion pb. we'll will also continue coverage on the day's breaking
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it was after he pleaded guilty, there was no trial and it was after he started cooperating with the special counsel. they found out that he was lying, so they ripped up the cooperation deal and they told the judge we're ready for him to be sentenced and today we plan on seeing and hearing just about how he lied, where he lied. i think we need to be prepared, though, that we may not know as much as we would like in this investigation. >> why? because of redactions? >> because of reactions. i think paul manafort probably is being accused of lying about things that have not been charged yet, about crimes still
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under investigation. includi include that has not gone public yet. it seems to ind cass and so we're going to learn something. we're going to learn how many times he lied, who he lied for potentially opinion but i think the important details about what exactly he was lying about, we may not get to know as much as we would like. >> mueller knows, we won't know. >> mueller and a couple other people. >> la about michael cohen? >> we've seen this amazing evolution that michael cohen has gone through the last year or so. starting out saying he would take a bullet for donald trump. then a lot of things began to change really after that fbi raid back in april. that's when we sort of knew and certainly michael cohen knew he was in a lot of trouble. and the loyalty he had always shown for donald trump, you
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could clearly see that begin to get strained. he was openly saying that he would campaign against donald trump, he was telling people to vote against him, vote against the republican party and now his focus is on cooperating with various investigators sand sort of making it known to anyone who will listen, i have the goods and i want to share this was in with investigators so they can get to the truth. what we are going to find out today hopefully, but again i this how much we may not even know after today, we will know what mule are and sdny investigators are going to recommend, if terms of how much jail time, if any, moen should get. and we'll get a little bit of con and even that may not paint a full picture. >> the mueller bread crumbs continue to be dropped.
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thank you guys so much. >> coming up next, breaking news out of north carolina where there are massive allegations of election fraud. the fbi is now involved in this case, as the state's election board has now named a person of interest in this investigation. we've got that for you. and more on this just extraordinary exchange between president trump and his former secretary of state rex tillerson. trump tweeting calling him dumb as a rock and lazy as hell. more on that in just a moment. in baltimore, a community sees new life rise from ruin. in southern california, a small family business becomes a beacon of hope.
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this just in, the fbi is now assisting in north carolina's probe into alleged election fraud there. we are also learning north carolina state board of elections has named leslie m mccrae dowless. mccready withdrew after his concession -- withdrew his concession after election irregularities were uncovered in a second county. with me drew griffin, who has been spending the last couple of days in north carolina. drew, tell me more about this named person of interest and
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what you're hearing there. >> that named person of interest, leslie mcrcrae dowles. a new twist, the sheriff of the county. and the republican candidate who supposedly won the election has now emerged to say something he released his statement on twitter we want to show what you he has to say. >> my campaign and i are cooperating fully with the state board of elections investigation, and we will continue to do so. i trust the process that's under way, just as i've always trusted the decisions of the voters. i trust that this investigation will be full and complete,
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examining any alleged irregularities that could have benefited either party, in this election or past election cycles. the integrity of our electoral process is the heart of our democracy and we must protect it. and although i was absolutely unaware of any wrong doing, that will not prevent me from cooperating with this investigation. i'm hopeful at that this process will ultimately result in the certification of my election to congress before the next house session begins. however, if this investigation finds proof of illegal activity on either side to such a level that it could have changed the outcome of the election, then i would wholeheartedly support a new election to ensure all voters have confidence in the results. as we move toward resolution, i look forward to participating in a transparent, factual and fair process. thank you and god bless you. >> brooke, there seems no doubt that there was election fraud that was perpetrated.
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the question is is it enough that it would overturn or question the results in this election? that's for the board of election to decide. it also seems clear that somebody did it and that's the criminal side and whether or not mark harris knew, mark harris hired somebody who knew, mark harris's campaign hired someone who knew. that's a criminal matter and now the fbi assisting in that investigation is a sign of just how serious that has become. >> they've got some explaining to do. drew griffin, we'll talk again next week. thank you. >> i want to get back to this just extraordinary war of words between the president and his former fired secretary of state. rex tillerson fired the first shots saying the president wasn't disciplined, didn't read, often had ideas that weren't exactly legal. so moments ago president trump tweeted calling him dumb as a rock, lazy as hell and lacking mental capacity.
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here's the tweet. you can see it for yourself. michelle kosinski is our representative at the state department. also with us, gloria borger. michelle, your reaction to this back and forth and why do you think tillerson after not saying anything for months and months said what he said. >> i think the emotion and outrage in this one tweet, i mean, given the source where this is coming from, we see tweets like this from the president all the time. but this about left me speechless. he's referring to his former secretary of state, granted one that he fired by tweet. but it's somebody who was the head of exxon, who was there for decades. i mean, somebody who came in and at least tried to do his job and tried to do it quietly.
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i feel like there's been this enmity there ever since it was reported back many moons ago when tillerson had called trump a moron after a meeting. at least it was reported as that. it wasn't long after that that trump forced tillerson to go out publicly in front of cameras, to moron. so now that tillerson has spoken, they say he's undisciplined, doesn't like to read, doesn't pay attention to detail, wanted to do things that were illegal. now it seems trump's turn to really let him have it in this way. i feel like tillerson has been
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humiliated by trump before. the question isn't how can this happen because at this point, it's not really a surprise that we're seeing trump react this way. it's that how could tillerson allowed himself to be humiliated this way for as long as he did tillerson gave a commencement address at a college where he talked about what he feared was going on in america and dangerous to democracy and only having one voice out there that could be a potentially dangerous one. and that was a quieter way and a smaller venue of him speaking out against the administration that he served for a short time. now he seems to be taking the gloves off to say a little bit more. i'm not sure where this is going, but obviously in a way that mmm maybe even and this one
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is another big friday in the small city of washington. >> yup. >> gloria, are or lacking mental capacity or are you more struck by what rex tillerson is saying about the president. >> i think it's all entirely predictable. i think he or some statements to the president back to 2016. remember, what tillerson also said, which is interesting to me, is that the president operates on instinct. he hired tillerson on instinct because he looked like a secretary of state. he casted him in that role. and the president openly says things like that. well, in 2016 trump said tillerson is a world class player. in 2017 he said tillerson will be a star.
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and then -- and now he says he was dumb as a rock. so you can see the evolution there, which is pretty stark. and what we're seeing from trump is pretty pro forma. he gets punched and he punches back. and he has to say, well, i like the guy i have now. you did a lousy job so shut up. that's basically what's going on. i think it's. >> this is boiler plate. >> when the president of the msg ms msga. pu to me, this is trump just being the counterpuncher, unfortunately. >> gora and coming up next, what could be the first multiple
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bombshells today? special counsel robert mueller has questioned chief of staff john kelly about potential obstruction of justice by the president. we're learning more on that. also what we have on president trump, what he's planning to drop at tomorrow's army/navy game. back in a moment.
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whenshe was pregnant,ter failed, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. we're the baker's and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today. . it is a rivalry like no other. welcome to army/navy weekend. the two service academies will face off tomorrow for the 119th
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time. navy leads the series by nine wins, but army is a favorite by seven points this year. and if army comes out on top, this would be their third win in a row. president trump is expected to attend, and we have just learned he's expected to announce army chief of staff general mark milli as the next chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. if selected, would he succeed general joseph dunford. army/navy is one of the best and longest rivalries in all of college football, and coy wire is in philadelphia with a preview. hey, coy. >> reporter: dating back to 1890, the army/navy game is one of the most respected rivalries in all of sports. one of the coolest traditions is of the running of the game ball, starting at west point, new york, yesterday, journeying 150 miles through the elements, overnight, they carried this game ball to be delivered to the field. this is cadet tyler reese.
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you're a senior. this was special to you. what is something you really enjoy about this run >> yes, sir. what's so special about this is the support from the community. we ran through new york, new jersey and now pennsylvania. and just so much support from the community, you can see cheers, food we got. it reminds us why we're all here. >> reporter: i didn't know you could run on a full tummy like that. we also have a freshman, emily danella. this is your first one. what has stood out to you about this special tradition? >> i just think this is a tradition you're not going to get anywhere else and makes the game so much more special, because this game is the most spirited game in college football. and you're not going to get anything like it. and it's america's game, and we might be rivals on the field, but after all, we're on the same time. >> awesome. coy, thank you. a quick check of the big board. markets down by more than 500 points here. seven minutes to go to the end of the trading day. sources telling cnn president trump is expressing anxiety about this week's volatility in the stock market and is surprised that his trade truce
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with china hasn't done more to settle nerves. also more on our breaking news on paul manafort and michael cohen. news expected to drop any moment now. cnn has crews on standby. ♪
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do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. learn all you can to help protect yourself from a stroke. talk to your doctor about xarelto®.
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jake tapper. we begin with breaking news and our money lead. the dow dropping more than 500 points today, capping off a tumultuous week as a source tells cnn that president trump is anxious over the stock market's dismal performance. cnn's alison kosik is at the new york stock exchange. you heard the bell right there. alison, stocks were actually trading higher earlier today but then the trump administration seemed to send conflicting messages about the state of the trade war? >> reporter: exactly. that closing bell can't some soon enough with the kind of week we've had on wall street. and those conflicting messages coming out of the white house about the unresolved trade issues between the u.s. and china, that is exactly what spooked the markets today. we had economic adviser larry kudlow coming out with a positive tone on cnbc and then trade adviser, peter navarro warning there would be higher tariffs if these trade issues aren't resolved in 90 days. so all of that conflict really increased the anxiety and juiced the volatility today in the